ConservAgua is a program that promotes the sustainable use of natural resources, specially water.
The program includes hotels, as well as tourists that visit them. Personnel trainning and guests’ awareness are two important factors for the success of the program.
To achieve rational use of water through awareness of consume, reuse and recycle of this life-giving liquid.
To reduce polluting agents and waste of water through programs that reduce laundry works at hotels.
To demonstrate that environmental protectiton is profitable.
Importance of water in the world
2003 was declared the International Year of Fresh Water by the UN.
Of all water available on Earth, 97% is salt water, and only 3% can be exploited for human consumption.
It is a world-wide plan to raise drinking water supply and drainage to people who doesn’t have these services. This means giving drinking water to 231, 000 people and drainage to 505,000 each day for the following 13 years.
20 cubic kilometers, which is the same volume of the biggest dam in the country (La Angostura, Chiapas), is the quantity of sewage that goes back to streams and seas with a signifcant amount of pollution.
More than 70 per cent of superficial body waters of the country are polluted.
Half of subterranean water used in the country comes from over-exploited aquifers.
Benefits of the program
Savings in consume and payment of water.
Savings in consuming and payment of electricity/gas.
Reduced consuming of detergents.
Promotion of environmental awareness of personnel and guests.
Obtain the “Mariposa de Agua” Award.
Because water does end… let’s take care of it today!